☛ What? This year-long, half-credit course exposes students to advanced methods employed in the analysis of ethical issues related to the production, dissemination, and application of AI in a variety of contexts. A diverse team of speakers from a range of academic disciplines including, for instance, computer science; criminology; engineering; law; literary studies; media studies; philosophy; or political science, will model various methodological approaches and modes of analysis.
☛ When? Tuesdays, 3-6pm. Meets roughly bi-weekly during Fall and Spring.
☛ Who? The speaker list is a work in progress. Regularly check here for updates and sign up for our newsletter. Last year’s speakers included: Alex Hanna (Google); Andre Brock (Georgia Tech); Rodrigo Ochigame (MIT); Catherine D’Ignazio & Lauren Klein (MIT & Emory); Robert Soden (UofT); Ishtiaque Ahmed (UofT); Devin Guillory (Berkeley); Elettra Bietti (Harvard); Ben Green (Harvard)
☛ For Whom? Advanced UofT undergraduate students, by permission of instructor.
☛ How? Please contact Ellen Ough (ethics@utoronto.ca) to apply.
☛ More Information? Ethics of AI Lab & Oxford Handbook of Ethics of AI.