Where conversations about ethics happen.
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Emanuel Adler, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Political Science
Abdi Aidid, Faculty Associate, 2020- | Law
Derek Allen, Faculty Associate, 2005- , Executive Committee, 2005-2012 | Philosophy
Anita Anand, Faculty Associate, 2014- | Law
Edward Andrew, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Political Science
Ann Armstrong, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Rotman School of Management
Mary Louise Arnold, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Human Development & Applied Psychology, OISE
Brian Baigrie, Faculty Associate, 2022- | Institute for History and Philosophy of Science and Technology and Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation
Ryan Balot, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Political Science
Teresa Bejan, Faculty Associate, 2014-16 | Political Science, Oxford University
Ronald Beiner, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Political Science
Lauren Bialystok, Faculty Associate, 2013- | Social Justice Education, OISE
Ritu Birla, Faculty Associate, 2006- | History
Laura Bisaillon, Faculty Associate, 2023- | Department of Health and Society, UTSC and Leadership, Higher and Adult Education, OISE
Deborah Black, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Philosophy
Paul Bloom, Faculty Associate, 2022- | Psychology
Janice Boddy, Faculty Associate, 2010- | Anthropology
Megan Boler, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Theory and Policy Studies, OISE
Leonard J. Brooks, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Rotman School of Management
Alan Brudner, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Law & Political Science
Elizabeth Campbell, Executive Committee, 2005-10 | Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning, OISE
Joseph H. Carens, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Political Science
Jill Carter, Faculty Associate, 2022- | Centre for Drama, Theatre, and Performance Studies and Centre for Indigenous Studies
Simone Chambers, Director, 2014-15, Executive Committee, 2005-08, 2012-15 | Political Science, University of California, Irvine
Bruce Chapman, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Law
Vincent Chiao, Faculty Associate, 2017- | Law
Rebecca Comay, Faculty Associate, 2015- | Philosophy
Abdallah Daar, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Medicine
Sunit Das, Faculty Associate, 2017- | Medicine
Yasmin Dawood, Faculty Associate, 2010- | Law & Political Science
Ronald Deibert, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Political Science
Arti Dhand, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Religion
Abraham Drassinower, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Law
Markus Dubber, Faculty Associate, 2009- | Director, 2016- | Law & Criminology
John Duncan, Executive Committee, 2006-12, 2015- | Faculty Associate, 2006- | Trinity
David Dyzenhaus, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Law & Philosophy
Anver Emon, Executive Committee, 2006-2011, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Law
Theresa Enright, Faculty Associate, 2013- | Political Science
Mohammad Fadel, Executive Committee, 2015- , Group Leader, 2015-, Faculty Associate, 2007- | Law, Religion & Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations
Michel Ferrari, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Human Development & Applied Psychology, OISE
Andrew Franklin-Hall, Faculty Associate, 2014- | Philosophy
Frances Garrett, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Religion
Robert Gibbs, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Philosophy
Kenneth Hart Green, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Religion
Reza Hadisi, Faculty Associate, 2022- | Philosophy and Centre for Medieval Studies
Randall Hansen, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Political Science
Joseph Heath, Executive Committee, 2015-, Group Leader, 2015-, Director, 2011-14, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Philosophy
Marsha Hewitt, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Trinity
Tom Hurka, Executive Committee, 2015- , Group Leader, 2015 -, Interim Director, 2010, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Philosophy
Cendri Hutcherson, Faculty Associate, 2017- | Psychology
Brad Inwood, Faculty Associate, 2007- | Philosophy & Classics
Eva-Lynn Jagoe, Faculty Associate, 2017- | Comparative Literature, Spanish & Portuguese
Ann Jervis, Faculty Associate, 2007- | Wycliffe
Courtney Jung, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Political Science
Brendan de Kenessey, Faculty Associate, 2023- | Philosophy
Michael Kessler, Faculty Associate, 2014- | Trinity
Abrahim H. Khan, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Trinity
Rebecca E. D. Kingston, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Political Science
Mark Kingwell, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Philosophy
Pamela Klassen, Executive Committee, 2007- | Religion
Margaret (Peggy) Kohn, Acting Director, 2015-16, Faculty Associate, 2007- | Political Science
Nikolas Kompridis, Faculty Associate, 2021- | Philosophy
Rauna Kuokkanen, Faculty Associate, 2009- | Political Science
Nicola Lacetera, Faculty Associate, 2017- | Department of Management UTM & Rotman School of Management
Michael Lambek, Faculty Associate, 2017- | Anthropology
Lynda Lange, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Philosophy
Brian A. Langille, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Law
Theresa M. Lee, Faculty Associate, 2011- | Political Science, University of Guelph
Trudo Lemmens, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Law
Audrey Macklin, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Law
Alice C. MacLachlan, Faculty Associate, 2014-17 | Philosophy, York University
Heidi Maibom, Faculty Associate, 2014-17 | Philosophy, Carleton University
Ruth Marshall, Faculty Associate, 2011- | Study of Religion & Political Science
Shahrzad Mojab, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Adult Education & Counselling Psychology, OISE
Mihnea Moldoveanu, Faculty Associate, 2005- , Executive Committee, 2005-06 | Rotman School of Management
Lindsay Montgomery, Faculty Associate, 2022- | Anthropology and Centre for Indigenous Studies
Mayo Moran, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Law
Sophia Moreau, Faculty Associate, 2005- , Executive Committee, 2005-06 | Philosophy & Law
Kathryn Morgan, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Philosophy
Julia Nefsky, Faculty Associate, 2022- | Philosophy
David Novak, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Religion & Philosophy
James Orbinski, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Dalla Lana School of Public Health
Clifford Orwin, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Political Science
William Paris, Faculty Associate and Director of the Race, Ethics, and Power Project, 2023- | Philosophy
Avia Pasternak, Faculty Associate, 2023- | Philosophy
Louis W. Pauly, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Centre for International Studies
John Portelli, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Theory and Policy Studies, OISE
James Radner, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Munk School of Global Affairs
John Ricco, Faculty Associate, 2022- | Art History, Comparative Literature, Visual Culture
Arthur Ripstein, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Law & Philosophy
Frank Rudzicz, Faculty Associate, 2018- | UHN Research & Computer Science
Stephen Scharper, Faculty Associate, 2010- | Anthropology and School of the Environment
Barbara Secker, Executive Committee, 2007- | Joint Centre for Bioethics
Andrew Sepielli, Faculty Associate, 2009- | Philosophy
Ayelet Shachar, Faculty Associate, 2005-, Executive Committee, 2005-06 | Law
Avery Slater, Faculty Associate, 2023- | English
Brian Cantwell Smith, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Information (iSchool)
Nick Stang, Faculty Associate, 2014- | Philosophy
Andrew Stark, Faculty Associate, 2005- , Executive Committee, 2005-11 | Rotman School of Management
Ingrid Leman Stefanovic, Faculty Associate, 2009- | Philosophy
Simon Stern, Faculty Associate, 2017- | Law & English
Anna Su, Faculty Associate, 2014- | Law
L. Wayne Sumner, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Philosophy
Romin Tafarodi, Faculty Associate, 2011- , Executive Committee, 2011-13 | Psychology
Sergio Tenenbaum, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Philosophy
Malcolm Thorburn, Faculty Associate, 2012- | Law
Phil Triadafilopoulos, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Political Science
Carolyn Tuohy, Faculty Associate, 2006- , Executive Committee, 2007-11 | Political Science
Ross Upshur, Faculty Associate, 2006- | Joint Centre for Bioethics
Mariana Valverde, Faculty Associate, 2017- | Centre for Criminology & Sociolegal Studies
Karina Vold, Faculty Associate, 2020- | Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology
Allison Weir, Faculty Associate, 2021- | Philosophy and Gender Studies
Melissa S. Williams, Faculty Associate, 2005-, Founding Director, 2005-10 | Political Science
Tanhum Yoreh, Faculty Associate, 2022- | School of the Environment
Richard Zemel, Faculty Associate, 2018- | Computer Science
Vicki Zhang, Faculty Associate, 2022- | Statistical Sciences