Join the Centre for Ethics for The Ethics of COVID, an interdisciplinary series of online events featuring short video takes on the ethical dimensions of the COVID crisis.
The Social and Ethical Support of Markets in a Pandemic
I plan to provide an introduction to the idea of social support of markets and to what a “repugnant transaction” is. I will then discuss some of the ethical issues with the normal functioning of markets during this pandemic. In particular, I will discuss price gouging as well as the production of vaccines and other covid-related products (from hand sanitizers to ventilators and vaccines…).
This is an online event. It will be live streamed on the Centre for Ethics YouTube Channel at 3pm, Wednesday, April 22. Channel subscribers will receive a notification at the start of the live stream.
➡︎ please register here
Nicola Lacetera
University of Toronto
Department of Management UTM &
Rotman School of Management
Wed, Apr 22, 2020
03:00 PM - 03:30 PM
Centre for Ethics, University of Toronto
200 Larkin