Relational Ethics Conference


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Relational Ethics Conference

Friday, September 27th
9:00-9:10       Welcome
9:10-10:20     Jay Wallace (UC Berkeley) – The Relational Right and the Good
10:30-11:40   Stephen Darwall (Yale) – Why Obligations Can’t be Relational All the Way Down (Remote Presentation)
11:50-1:00     Brendan de Kenessey (Toronto) – Not all moral obligations are obligations to individuals, and not all obligations to individuals are moral obligations

2:00-3:10       Gopal Sreenivasan (Duke) – Nettles in the nexus: On Wallace on relational morality
3:20-4:30      Jonas Vandieken (Munich) – Moral Deliberation in the Moral Nexus
4:50-6:00      Janis Schaab (Utrecht) – Second-Personal Kantian Constructivism

Saturday, September 28th
9:10-10:20    Rahul Kumar (Queens) – What is Relational About Contractualism?
10:30-11:40  Ariel Zylberman (SUNY Albany) – The Metaphysics of Practical Relations
11:50-1:00    Simon Cabulea May (Florida) – Standing and Direction

2:00-3:10      Margaret Gilbert (UC Irvine) – Can / wrong someone in the state of nature? (Remote Presentation)
3:20-4:30      Rowan Cruft (Stirling) – Directed Duties or Directed Reasons? (Remote Presentation)
4:50-6:00       Anni Raty (Vienna) – Wrongs without Rights

► This event is hybrid. Join in person at the Centre for Ethics (Larkin building, room 200). Remote Presentations will be via Zoom.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 959 3712 7666
Passcode: 830472

Register here.

Fri, Sep 27, 2024
09:00 AM - 07:00 PM
Centre for Ethics, University of Toronto
200 Larkin