Per University of Toronto COVID-19 instructions, this event is cancelled until further notice.
Poetics/Ethics: New Work by Queer Poets IV
This is the fourth of four readings that will showcase contemporary queer poets, based on the notion that ethics should be conceived as encompassing not just academic research but also literary writing. Each of these poets crafts new languages to describe and confront the interplay of lived experience and political critique. By bringing them together, we hope not only to foster a conversation between the authors of some of the most exciting poetry being written today, but also some of the most complex and subtle thinking about gender and sexuality and their intersections with race, class, migration and other positions.
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Rami Karim is a writer living in New York.
Cason Sharpe is a writer currently based in Toronto. His fiction, essays, and criticism haveappeared in Canadian Art, C Magazine, Xtra, PRISM International, The Hart House Review, and GUTS Canadian Feminist Magazine, among others. His first collection of short stories, Our Lady of Perpetual Realness, was released by Metatron in 2017.
Fri, Mar 27, 2020
07:00 PM - 09:00 PM
Centre for Ethics, University of Toronto
200 Larkin