Michael Haneke’s Caché (or Hidden) is the story of Georges, a French public intellectual who lives with his wife and child in Paris. One day, the family begins to receive anonymous deliveries of video tape surveillance of their home and frightening child-like drawings. As the images become more personal, Georges undertakes a journey to find their harasser.
Haneke’s film brilliantly stages a collision-course between the personal and the political-historical in contemporary postcolonial France. After watching the movie, we’ll discuss its representations of violence, its allegorical dimensions, and its notoriously ambiguous ending.
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Daniel Adleman is Assistant Professor of Writing and Rhetoric at the University of Toronto’s Innis College, where he teaches Writing for Social Change, Digital Rhetoric, and Rhetoric of Health and Medicine.
Wed, Jan 22, 2020
06:00 PM - 08:00 PM
Centre for Ethics, University of Toronto
Rm 200, Larkin Building