Michael Barnes, The Diversity of Strategies for Diversifying Syllabi (Ethics of Pedagogy)

Ethics of Pedagogy

The Diversity of Strategies for Diversifying Syllabi

This workshop will explore the aims, strategies, and challenges of inclusive syllabus-design—especially (though not solely) from my situation as a white professor teaching topics outside of my lived experience. The main goal is to clarify ideas about what inclusive pedagogy is for, and broaden our ideas about what it looks like. To do so, we’ll consider a variety of models of inclusive syllabus-design, along with corresponding accounts of the problem(s) each is meant to address. Through a discussion of the challenges, limits, and the necessity of anti-oppressive education, participants can expect to leave this session with a more expansive conception of inclusive pedagogy they can put into action.

☛ please register here

Michael BarnesMichael Barnes
University of Toronto and Ryerson University

Thu, Jan 30, 2020
04:30 PM - 06:00 PM
Centre for Ethics, University of Toronto
200 Larkin