Ethics and Progress (C4E Undergraduate Research Conference 2023)





C4E’s 2023 Undergraduate Conference: Ethics and Progress

Conference Schedule

12:30 Doors open – lunch

1:00 Opening Remarks

Panel 1

1:10 – Prajna Pendharkar “Tangible Novelty: What Apple and the Metaverse Are Teaching Us About Multifunctional Product Launches”

1:25 – Joseph Boyce “Numbers that Matter: Valuing Human Lives as Objects”

1:40 – Jonathan Ku, “Spatial Injustice in the Urban Environment: Development and Discourse in Toronto”

1:55 – Rayan Magon “On Autistic Authenticity and Social Approval: Evaluating the Ethics of Applied Behavioral Analysis”

[20-minute break: 2:10-2:30]

Panel 2

2:30 – Martin Sneath “Why is there no evidence of linguistic contact in North American Languages?”

2:45 – Krishna Kant Moda “Ripples of Homeland: Oceanic Abolitionist Praxis and the Geopoetics of Being”

3:00 – Aidan Mitchell Boudreau “Group Privacy and Indigenous Data Sovereignty”

3:15 – Ethan Persyko “The Future of Intimacy Coordination in TV: Where Does Certification Falter?”


Sat, Jun 10, 2023
12:30 PM - 03:30 PM
Centre for Ethics, University of Toronto