Anthony Sangiuliano, Discrimination and Psychological Harm (Ethics@Noon-ish)

Ethics at Noon


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Discrimination and Psychological Harm

The idea that discrimination can cause immediate psychological damage to victims’ self-esteem has not played a prominent role in recent theories of the harmfulness of discrimination. I’ll suggest that it may prove useful for resolving an apparent problem with certain otherwise plausible harm-based views of what makes discrimination wrong according to which these views counterintuitively entail that discrimination is wrong by definition. I’ll also show that besides addressing this conceptual puzzle, the idea of remedying mental injury is worth our attention because it is deeply entrenched in antidiscrimination law.

► this event is hybrid. Join in person at the Centre for Ethics (Larkin building, room 200) or online here.


Anthony Sangiuliano
Postdoctoral Fellow                                                    University of Toronto


Wed, Nov 29, 2023
12:00 PM - 02:00 PM
Centre for Ethics, University of Toronto
200 Larkin