Not My Utopia: A Screening
Not My Utopia examines the technological status quo and looks towards other possible futures. Through inter-generational inquiry, this screening aims to provoke personal conversations between makers and audience about how to re-imagine the unfolding future. The present day urgency of Zeesy Power’s Smart City PSAs pushes back against libertarian utopias sold as the only answer to urban crises. Megan May Daalder’s documentary series Children of the Singularity questions assumptions of youth as passive consumers of the technologies and systems developed by their parents and invites them to be the preeminent philosophers of the future. Collectively, this screening look directly at the widespread gains and losses that are the legacy of technological development.
Presented by Pleasure Dome; a Toronto based, non-profit, artist-run presentation organization and publisher dedicated to experimental media.
Fri, Oct 4, 2019
07:30 PM - 10:00 PM
Ryerson Image Arts Centre
122 Bond St, RM 307