This year’s installment of the annual CRÉ/C4E Montréal/Toronto joint workshop will take place at C4E, in Toronto. (If you’re interested in attending, please register below.)
Here’s the schedule (and here are the abstracts):
CRÉ/C4E 2018
April 12
I 1-2:20
Christine Tappolet & Mauro Rossi, “Happiness as an Affective Evaluation”
Willem van der Deijl, “Is Pleasure All that Is Good About Experience?”
II 2:30-3:50
Aaron Ansell, “Dirty Compromise: The Ethics of Making Concessions to Injustice”
Simon Lambek, “Receiving Rhetoric and the Hermeneutics of the Self”
III 4:00-5:20
Charles Dupras, ” Epigenetic Discrimination: Should We Rely on Recent Policies Against Genetic Discrimination for Oversight?”
Hazar Haidar, “Expanding the scope of Non Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) Uses: Ethical Considerations for Policy Decision-Making”
April 13
IV 9:30-10:50
Stephanie Silverman, “A Difficult, Multilayered Conversation: The Promises and Perils of Incremental Abolitionism in Immigration Detention”
Hilary Evans Cameron, “Logics of Legal Reasoning: Truth, Risk, and Inference to the Best Explanation”
V 11-12:20
John-Stewart Gordon, “Moral Rights for Intelligent Robots?”
Pablo Gilabert, “Human Dignity and Human Rights”
VI 1-2:20
Richard Moon, “Conscientious Objection in Canada: Pragmatic Accommodation and Principled Adjudication”
Étienne Brown, “Misinformation as Harmful Speech”
Thu, Apr 12, 2018
12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
Room 200, Larkin Building
15 Devonshire Place