The Ethics of Lawyering in Sexual Assault Cases

C4E Flash Event, Professing Ethics

Craig 3cpd revd invertA year later, the trial and acquittal of Jian Ghomeshi in March 2016 continues to stir controversy about the Canadian criminal justice system’s handling of sexual assault cases. The question which ethical norms should govern defence counsel in these cases is among the many still contentious issues, as evidenced by the recent controversy surrounding an invitation extended to Ghomeshi’s defence lawyer, Marie Henein, to give a university lecture.

This Centre for Ethics event aims to stimulate thoughtful public debate about the important and complex ethical issues raised by sexual assault cases in the criminal process, including not only the role of defence attorneys, but also that of other systems participants, notably prosecutors and judges.

Free! This event was originally scheduled for February 13, 2017. 
Eventbrite - The Ethics of Lawyering in Sexual Assault Cases


1467635674147Elaine Craig, Associate Professor, Schulich School of Law, Dalhousie University, Author of “The Ethical Obligations of Defence Counsel in Sexual Assault Cases” (2014) & “The Ethical Identity of Sexual Assault Lawyers” (2016)



downloadAlison Craig, Partner, Lockyer Campbell Posner, Toronto (Discussant)




cpdAccredFor Ontario lawyers, this program contains 1 hr 50 min Professionalism Hour(s).

Wed, Mar 15, 2017
06:10 PM - 08:00 PM
George Ignatieff Theatre, Larkin Building
15 Devonshire Place