Obligations Under non-Ideal Circumstances: The Case of Tenure-line Professors
Harry Brighouse
Department of Philosophy
Department of Education Policy Studies
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Co-sponsored by OISE Social Justice
Professor Brighouse will provide an overview of the role of elite colleges and universities in society. He will argue that, far from being engines of social mobility, they contribute to unjust inequality of opportunity. Professors at such institutions are unavoidably implicated and complicit in this role. He will argue for reforms in the role of professors at elite colleges and university and, more radically, that even in the absence of such reform individual professors are obliged to make considerable changes in their professional activities, even at considerable risk to their professional advancement.
Mon, Nov 14, 2016
04:00 PM - 06:00 PM
Room 200, Larkin Building
15 Devonshire Place