Upcoming Events @ C4E: Info & Registration

  • Fri, Mar 14, 2025
    Race, Ethics + Power
    Lisa Guenther, Towards a Decolonial Phenomenology of the Lifeworld

    ► To stay informed about other upcoming events at the Centre for Ethics, opportunities, and more, please sign up for our newsletter.

    Towards a Decolonial Phenomenology of the Lifeworld

    The Two Row Wampum is a 1613 treaty between the Haudenosaunee Confederacy and Dutch traders. Two rows of purple beads on a white background express a commitment to mutual respect and non-domination that has long since been betrayed by European colonizers. What would it take to reactivate the potentiality of the Two Row Wampum today, not as an agreement in the distant past but as an invitation to participate in building a lifeworld based on peace, friendship and respect? My reflections on this question are shaped by Anishinaabe legal scholar Aaron Mills’ account of the lifeworlds of law and Edmund Husserl’s late phenomenology of the lifeworld.

    ► This event is in-person. Join in person at the Centre for Ethics (Larkin Building room 200).

    Lisa Guenther

    Queen’s University

    05:00 PM - 07:00 PM
    Centre for Ethics, University of Toronto
    200 Larkin

  • Mon, Mar 17, 2025
    Immigrants, Refugees, and Asylum Seekers
    Ashwini Vasanthakumar, Fitting in, code-switching, 'passing': self-respect and the demands of immigrant integration

    ► To stay informed about other upcoming events at the Centre for Ethics, opportunities, and more, please sign up for our newsletter.

    Fitting in, code-switching, ‘passing’: self-respect and the demands of immigrant integration

    ► This event is in-person. Join in person at the Centre for Ethics (Larkin Building room 200).

    Ashwini Vasanthakumar

    Legal and Political Philosophy
    Queens University 

    04:00 PM - 05:00 PM
    Centre for Ethics, University of Toronto
    200 Larkin

  • Fri, Apr 11, 2025

    Public Event: Charting Ethical Paths on a Divided Campus

    ► To stay informed about other upcoming events at the Centre for Ethics, opportunities, and more, please sign up for our newsletter.

    Public Event: Charting Ethical Paths on a Divided Campus

    Lisa Shapiro
    Samantha Brennan
    Randy Boyagoda

    Panelists will address questions such as: the role and limitations of protests on campus; the duties of university administration in balancing safe and proper functioning of campus with allowing/encouraging freedom of expression for students, staff, and faculty; whether the university and the specific departments must abide by principles of neutrally in making public pronouncements.

    Register here to secure your spot!

    Please feel free to send questions in advance for the panelists. Send your questions to ethics@utoronto.ca with the subject: “Question(s) for April 11 event”.

    ► This event is in-person. Join us at the Centre for Ethics (Larkin Building room 200).


    Lisa Shapiro

    Dean of Faculty of Arts
    McGIll University



    Samantha Brennan

    Dean of the College of Arts
    University of Guelph



    Randy Boyagoda

    Provostial Advisor on Civil Discourse
    University of Toronto

    05:00 PM - 07:00 PM
    Centre for Ethics, University of Toronto
    200 Larkin

Past Events