Ethics at Noon – Next Term

Jan 23: Joseph Heath –  “Justifying a Positive Social Discount Rate” 

Feb 13: Dominic Martin – “The Desirability of Rivalry, A Two-Steps Test”

Mar 6: Andrew Stark – “Getting the Trolley Problem Back on Track”

Mar 13: Steven Lee – “Ethical Drones?”

Apr 3: Lauren Bialystok – “Different and Unequal:  Thinking Beyond Equality in Intimate Relationships”

Featured publication: Tappolet on neosentimentalism

Christine Tappolet, “Valeurs et émotions: les perspectives du néo-sentimentalisme,” Dialogue, 51(2012): 7-30.

Résumé: Selon le néo-sentimentalisme, juger qu’une chose possède une propriété évaluative consiste à juger qu’une réaction affective ou émotionnelle lui est appropriée, mais cette position peut se décliner en plusieurs versions radicalement différentes. Contre sa version normative, je considère que sa version descriptive est plus plausible, car elle peut mieux répondre à l’exigence de normativité qui découle de l’argument de la question ouverte de Moore et à l’objection des raisons du mauvais type. Enfin, je soutiens que la circularité en cause ne s’apparente pas à un cercle vicieux : entendu en un sens épistémique, le néo-sentimentaliste demeure instructif.

Get it here.

Call for Graduate Associates

The Centre for Ethics at the University of Toronto is currently soliciting applicants for Graduate Associates. As an interdisciplinary centre aimed at advancing teaching and research in the field of ethics, the Centre seeks to bring together the theoretical and practical knowledge of diverse scholars, students, public servants and social leaders in order to increase understanding of the ethical dimensions of individual, social, and political life.  As a community of young scholars affiliated with the Centre, the Graduate Associates seek to represent the diversity and interdisciplinary aims of the Centre’s mandate. Through affiliation with the Centre, Graduate Associates are able to develop their research within a unique and diverse context in conversation with scholars from across the university.

Individuals interested in applying to be a Graduate Associate at the Centre should fill out the attached application form and send it via email to with “Graduate Associate Application 2012” in the subject line of the message. The deadline for applications is 5:00 PM Friday, November 16, 2012.

Graduate Associate Application

Author Meets Critics: Patti Tamara Lenard

Thu, Oct 18, 2012 
Author Meets Critics
Trust, Democracy and Multicultural Challenges

Trust, Democracy and Multicultural Challenges

Patti Tamara Lenard
Professor of Applied Ethics, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs
University of Ottawa

Law: Ayelet Shachar, Toronto
Philosophy: Idil Boran, York
Political Science: Margaret Kohn, Toronto

3:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Room 200, Larkin Building
15 Devonshire Place

Next up: Chapman

Wed, Oct 10, 2012, Ethics at Noon talk:

“Counting the Numbers Fairly: The Equal Proportional Satisfaction of Incommensurable Values”

Bruce Chapman
Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto

Paper available on request:
12:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Room 200, Larkin Building
15 Devonshire Place