Thinking Beyond Distribution conference papers published

The new Journal of Global Ethics is out (here), containing a selection of the papers presented last October at the Centre for Ethics, “Thinking Beyond Distribution” conference, organized by Monique Deveaux and Kathryn Walker.

Monique Deveaux and Kathryn Walker

We fight for roses too: time-use and global gender justice
Alison M. Jaggar

Global care ethics: beyond distribution, beyond justice
Fiona Robinson

Is the capability approach a sufficient challenge to distributive accounts of global justice?
Christine Koggel

Ideal theory in an nth-best world: the case of pauper labor
Joseph Heath

Non-domination’s role in the theorizing of global justice
Mira Bachvarova

Postcolonialism and global justice
Margaret Kohn

The sentimentalist paradox; on the normative and visual foundations of humanitarianism
Fuyuki Kurasawa

Place-related attachments and global distributive justice
Margaret Moore

Revising global theories of justice to include public goods
Heather Widdows and Peter G.N. West-Oram