Multiple Events

  • Wed, Jan 15, 2020
    Ethics at Noon
    Nikolas Kompridis, Agency: Human and Non-Human (Ethics@Noon)

    Agency: Human and Non-Human

    Recent discussions of non-human agency—the agency of “things” or of “actants”—have challenged the putative differences between human and non-human agency, particularly in the work of Jane Bennett and Bruno Latour. But their reliance on an insufficiently questioned picture of human agency continues to undermine their attempts to make sense of non-human agency, and to think anew the relation between human and non-human agency, a task which has become all the more urgent as we come to grips with the implications of the Anthropocene. In this paper, I propose an alternative conception of agency that better captures what is distinctive to both human and non-human agency.

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    Nikolas Kompridis

    Nikolas Kompridis
    Visting Scholar 

    Centre for Ethics

    12:30 PM - 02:00 PM
    Centre for Ethics, University of Toronto
    200 Larkin

  • Wed, Jan 15, 2020
    Ethics of AI in Context: Emerging Scholars
    Mohamed Abdalla, Quantifying (Un)Fairness (Ethics of AI in Context: Emerging Scholars)

    Quantifying (Un)Fairness

    In the machine learning fairness literature, the majority of fairness definitions are formalized for the binary case. This binary formalization allows for simple hypothetical demonstrations of the fairness definitions and provides researchers the ability to prove theorems. However, in clinical settings, the binary case is often too simple. As a consequence, we must expand machine learning definitions of fairness beyond these binary formulations. In this work, we analyze different ways of expanding fairness definitions beyond the binary case, highlighting edge cases where such expansions do not work as expected. We perform empirical analysis on a clinical task to assess how likely each edge case is for non-binary expansion, and consider the clinical feasibility and ramifications of such decisions.

    ☛ please register here

    Mohamed AbdallaMohamed Abdalla
    University of Toronto
    Computer Science

    04:00 PM - 05:30 PM
    Centre for Ethics, University of Toronto
    200 Larkin