Call for Papers

pictureImagining 150 invites submissions on the following topics (but submissions need not be limited to these possibilities):

  • The ethics of Canadian history: how else might the story be told? What is the current story, and what are its consequences? What is the historiography of Canada’s multiple histories? How does Canadian history change according to how it is theoretically constructed?
  • The ethics of Canadian sovereignty: rethinking borders (inclusion as well as exclusion). What other sovereignties resist or negotiate Canadian sovereignty? What does sovereignty as an ethical category mean in the context of the sesquicentennial?
  • The ethics of the Canadian literary canon: what political/ethical work does a national “canon” do? To the extent that such a canon exists, does it have an ethic different from, say, American canonical fiction? I.e., does it help us think through one set of issues rather than another (say, immigration rather than race)?
  • An ethic of wilderness imaginaries? What ideas of land, land use, and population shape ethics of space in Canada? How is the Canadian imaginary in conversation with land?
  • Canada in philosophical perspective: What categories need to be interrogated for the idea of Canada to be examined? Religion and religious diversity in Canada: How do religion and other spiritual ways of knowing contribute to negotiating the idea of Canada? What part does religion, as one of the intersecting identities of Canadians, play in nationwide celebrations of unity?
  • Ethics of national belonging: how do elements of Canadian national unity negotiate and police belonging? How do historical realities of racist, sexist, and bigoted policies play a part in national remembrance?
  • Canada’s economic history: what role does capitalism play in historical and ongoing national ideals, and ethics?
  • International case studies that will comparatively highlight important moments of critical inquiry.

Please submit abstracts of no more than 300 words prepared for blind review, as well as a short 100 word bio, by Wednesday Feb 1 2017 to